Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving with Chinese Characteristics

Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful. Justin and I were going to host a big Thanksgiving meal, but we realized we didn't have the resources (the only traditional food we knew we could find was potatoes) or the time (we both had a full teaching day). So my Thanksgiving passed with classes where we watched a Thanksgiving episode of Friends and discussed the PG-rated history of the Pilgrims and Indians. My dinner included a grilled cheese sandwich with some of the precious cheese I brought back from Chengdu, and by the end of the day when my Thanksgiving was over and the one in the US was just starting, I was feeling a little sad. Until I got a call from one of my freshmen.

I am thankful for my students. A few of my freshmen were calling to see if they could bring over Thanksgiving presents cause they realized I must be missing home. They bought me sugar cubes, gum, lollipops, and a traditional Chinese incense holder that is supposed to bring good health. Not quite the same as turkey and stuffing, but who doesn't love sugar candy? Their thoughtfulness and gratitude remind me that I am lucky to have this opportunity.

my Thanksgiving gifts
That being said, this weekend was the first time I felt really homesick. It was hard being away from my family knowing that they were having our annual nerf-gun contest and choosing between fifty different desserts on my grandma's special "Dessert Table" without me. (Although they did make me feel included by Skyping me in.) It gave me a taste of how hard missing Christmas is going to be.

Miss and love you all!
But I want to say how thankful I am for friends and family back home (and abroad) who have been so supportive during my time here. It definitely hasn't been easy, but it would have been impossible without all the Skype sessions, email updates, and care packages. Thank you! I can't wait to see everyone over winter break.

Oh, that reminds me... I'm coming home for winter break! See everyone in January!

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