Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I would love to complement this blog with photos I have taken of Shanghai, but unfortunately I forgot the connector for my camera to my computer at home. No pictures until I can find an electronics store that sells a USB adapter or my mom is kind enough to send me mine through the mail.

This is the last day of orientation and I'm heading to Chongqing early tomorrow morning. After four days of hanging out with Americans constantly, heading to a city with relatively few foreigners will be a huge change. Luckily this has been a nice transition time. I have picked up a little Chinese, found some foods I love, and gotten endless tips on teaching in China.

Shanghai is an amazing city, unlike any I have been to before, and I had the pleasure of exploring it with an awesome group of people. I will get into more detail once I'm settled in to my apartment and have more free time, but I just wanted to check in. One of the main reasons I chose CIEE was because of the connections that you can develop with other teachers throughout China, and I am so excited to visit new friends in Harbin, Hufei, Beijing, etc. in the coming months. Even though I'm heading to Chongqing alone, it's nice to know I have friends on this side of the world.

Apparently some teachers have gotten to their posts and been told they have their first class in 20 mins. Others arrive and don't start teaching until October. If I've learned anything in the past few days, China is unpredictable. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm 100% confident that if you have class in 20 minutes upon arrival, you'll pull it together :) I can't wait to hear about Shanghai! Safe travels to Chongquing.
