Monday, September 26, 2011

It's finally here!

The package we have all been waiting for arrived this morning, camera cord in tact. I will now be adding pictures to this blog, albeit slowly as the uploading takes awhile. I thank you, my dear readers, for sticking with me when I had nothing to share with you but my words, which I'm sure were pretty insufficient in most cases.

Now the moment you've all been waiting for (even those of you who somehow found this blog from Croatia and Trinidad and Tobago)... Click to enlarge:

With some fellow CIEE teachers at orientation in Shanghai
My bedroom
The view from my bedroom

My apartment building on the left, my teaching building on the right

The Haunted House (see earlier post)

My motorcycle taxi driver (see earlier post)

1 comment:

  1. big bed!! JEALOUS! Also, I forgot to bring bedding to Spain, oops.
